

Vingt Regards Sur L'Enfan

von Messiaen, Olivier | Loriod, Yvonne
erschienen am 03.09.2001

Vingt Regards Sur L'Enfan
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    1-00120 Regardes sur l'Enfante JésusKomponist: Messiaen, OlivierKlavier: Loriod, Yvonne
    1-001-001Adoration of the Father00:05:28
    1-002-002Adoration of the Star00:02:59
    1-004-004Adoration of the Virgin00:04:59
    1-005-005Adoration of the Son over the Son00:05:44
    1-006-006By him everything was made00:10:34
    1-007-007Adoration of the Cross00:04:02
    1-008-008Adoration of the Heights00:02:29
    1-009-009Adoration of Time00:03:08
    1-010-010Adoration of the Spirit of Joy00:08:47
    1-011-011The Virgin's first Communion00:07:17
    2-001-012The Omnipotent Word00:03:03
    2-003-014Adoration of the Angels00:04:56
    2-004-015The child Jesus' kiss00:10:24
    2-005-016Adoration of the Prophets, shepherds and Magi00:02:55
    2-006-017Adoration of Silence00:05:16
    2-007-018Adoration of the Awesome Anointing00:06:55
    2-008-019I sleep, but my heart is awake00:10:00
    2-009-020Adoration of the Church of Love00:12:56