
FBR 22

Nobody Told Me

von Mayall, John
erschienen am 22.02.2019

Nobody Told Me
Zum Preis von
18,99 €
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    1-001What have I done wrongMayall, John00:03:55
    1-002The moon is fullMayall, John00:04:54
    1-003Evil and here to stayMayall, John00:04:48
    1-004That's what love will make you doMayall, John00:03:54
    1-005Distant lonesome trainMayall, John00:04:33
    1-006Delta hurricaneMayall, John00:04:58
    1-007The hurt insideMayall, John00:05:36
    1-008It's so toughMayall, John00:04:19
    1-009Like it like you doMayall, John00:03:46
    1-010Nobody told meMayall, John00:07:22