BAC 013


von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Bondy / Christie / Shimell / Didonato / +
erschienen am 17.02.2006

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    1-001Hercules (Herkules) HWV 60 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Bohlin, Ingela
    Mezzosopran: Didonato, Joyce
    1-001-001Ouvertüre (1. Akt)
    1-002-002See, with what sad dejectio in her looks
    1-003-003Non longer, Fate, relentless frown
    1-004-004O Hercules! why art thou absent from me?
    1-005-005The world, when day's career is run - Princess! be comfored, and hope the best
    1-006-006My son! dear image of thy absent sire!
    1-007-007I feel, I feel the god, he fills my breast!
    1-008-008He said, the sacred fury left his breast
    1-009-009There is myrtle shades reclined
    1-010-010Despair not; but let rising hope suspend excess of grief
    1-011-011Where congeal 'd the northern streams
    1-012-012O filial piety! courageous love!
    1-013-013Banish your fears! Alcmena's god-like son lives
    1-014-014Begone, my fears, fly, hence, away
    1-015-015A train of captives
    1-016-016The smiling hours
    1-017-017Let none despair, relief may come though late
    1-019-019Thanks to the pow'rs above, but chief to thee, father of gods
    1-020-020My father! ah! methinks I see
    1-021-021Now farewell, arms! from hence the tide of time - The god of battle quits the bloddy field
    1-022-022Crown with festal pomp the day
    1-023-023Sinfonia (2. Akt)
    1-024-024Why was I born a princess - How blest the maid, ordain'd to dwell
    1-025-025It must be so! fame speaks aloud my wrongs
    1-026-026When beauty sorrow's liv'ry wears
    1-027-027Whence this unjust suspicion?
    1-028-028Ah think! what ills the jealous prove - It is too sure that Hercules is false
    1-029-029My godlike master? - As stars that rise and disappear
    1-030-030In vain you strive his falshood to disguise
    1-031-031Jealousy! Infernal pest
    1-032-032She knows my passion, and has bared me breathe my am'rous vouws
    1-033-033Banish love from thy breast
    1-034-034Forgive a passion, which restless sways - From celestial seats descending
    1-035-035Wanton god of am'rous fires
    1-036-036Yes, I congratulate your titles
    1-037-037Alcides' name in latest story
    1-038-038Oh, glorious pattern of heroic deeds!
    1-039-039Resign thy club and lion's spoils
    1-040-040You are deceived! some villain has belied
    1-041-041Dissembling, false perfidous Hercules
    1-042-042Cease, ruler of the day, to rise
    1-043-043Some kinder pow'r inspire me to regain
    1-044-044Lichas, thy hands shall to the temple bear - But see, the princess Iole
    1-045-045Forgive me Princess, if my jealous frenzy
    1-046-046Joys of freedom, joys of pow'r
    1-047-047Father of Hercules, great Jove, oh, help - Love an Hymen, hand in hand
    2-001-048Sinfonia (3. Akt)
    2-002-049Ye sons of Trachin, mourn your valiant chief
    2-003-050Oh, scene of uneampled woe!
    2-004-051Oh, fatal jealousy! - Tyrants now no more shall dread
    2-005-052Oh, Jove! what land is this?
    2-006-053Great Jove! releive his pains!
    2-007-054Let not fame the tidings spread
    2-008-055Where sahell I fly? where hide this guilty head?
    2-009-056Lo the fair fatal cause of all this ruin
    2-010-057My breast with tender pity swells
    2-011-058Princess, rejoice! whose heav'n-directed hand
    2-012-059Words are too faint so speak the warring passions
    2-013-060O prince, whose virtues all admire
    2-014-061Ye sons of freedom, now in ev'ry clime - To him your gratitude duly belongs