CLP 0002154

Greatest Hits Live

von Raye, Collins
erschienen am 30.04.2015

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20,99 €
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    1-001OpeningRaye, Collin00:00:31
    1-002Little red RodeoRaye, Collin00:03:31
    1-003Little rockRaye, Collin00:04:01
    1-004I can still feel youRaye, Collin00:03:23
    1-005In this lifeRaye, Collin00:02:52
    1-006I think about youRaye, Collin00:02:28
    1-007UndefeatedRaye, Collin00:04:38
    1-008I get what I needRaye, Collin00:03:22
    1-009That's my storyRaye, Collin00:03:30
    1-010On the vergeRaye, Collin00:03:31
    1-011She's with me (Intro)Raye, Collin00:01:31
    1-012She's with meRaye, Collin00:03:34
    1-013Do it againRaye, Collin00:05:58
    1-014My kind of girlRaye, Collin00:02:52
    1-015The giftRaye, Collin00:03:36
    1-016Love remainsRaye, Collin00:03:02
    1-017Love, meRaye, Collin00:04:47
    1-018Rock and roll never forgetsRaye, Collin00:04:19