AMA 610519

Irish Traditionals

Burgmann Chris

Zum Preis von
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    1.Barney Brallaghan
    2.Castle Donavan
    3.Dooley'S Fancy
    4.Harvest Home
    5.Hunting The Hare
    6.Katie'S Fancy
    7.Miss Casey
    8.My Darling Asleep
    9.O'Reilly'S Fancy
    10.Paddy O'Snap
    11.Ships Are Sailing
    12.The Boys Of Bluehill
    13.The Cuckoo'S Nest
    14.The Gallowglass
    15.The Gobbie O
    16.The Hills Of Ireland
    17.The Honeysuckle
    18.The Humour Of Whiskey
    19.The Man With The Money
    20.The Minister'S Daughter
    21.The Piper'S Despair
    22.The Rose In The Garden
    23.Tobin'S Favorite
    24.Up And Down Again
    25.Welcome To Cork