LBM 040

Black Angels & Music for a Summer Evening

von Crumb, George | Hattat / Fouchenneret / Jacquet / Quatuor Hanson / +
erschienen am 06.05.2022

Black Angels & Music for a Summer Evening
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21,99 €
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    1-001Black Angels, Thirteen images from the Dark Land for Electric String Quartet, DepartureKomponist: Crumb, GeorgeQuatuor Hanson
    1-001-001I. Threnody I. Night of the Electric Insects00:01:34
    1-002-002II. Sounds of Bones and Flutes00:00:47
    1-003-003III. Lost Bells 00:01:13
    1-004-004IV. Devil Music00:01:40
    1-005-005V. Danse macabre00:01:09
    1-006Black Angels, Thirteen images from the Dark Land for Electric String Quartet, AbsenceKomponist: Crumb, GeorgeQuatuor Hanson
    1-006-001I. Pavana Lachrymae00:01:20
    1-007-002II. Threnody II. Black Angels!00:03:27
    1-008-003III. Sarabanda de la Muerte Oscura00:01:07
    1-009-004IV. Lost Bells (Echo)00:01:28
    1-010Black Angels, Thirteen images from the Dark Land for Electric String Quartet, ReturnKomponist: Crumb, GeorgeQuatuor Hanson
    1-010-001I. God-music00:02:51
    1-011-002II. Ancient Voices 00:00:52
    1-012-003III. Ancient Voices (Echo) 00:00:42
    1-013-004IV. Threnody III. Night of the Electric Insects 00:04:23
    1-014Makrokosmos III, Music for a Summer EveningKomponist: Crumb, GeorgePhilippe Hattat; Théo Fouchenneret; Emmanuel Jacquet; Rodolphe Théry
    1-014-001I. Nocturnal Sounds. The Awakening00:06:30
    1-015-002II. Wanderer-Fantasy  00:05:15
    1-016-003III. The Advent  00:08:05
    1-017-004IV. Myth  00:06:25
    1-018-005V. Music of the Starry Night00:12:16

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