Sir Adrien Boult conducts Walton

von Walton, William | Boult, Adrian / London Philharmonic Chorus / Orchestra
erschienen am 21.12.2017

Sir Adrien Boult conducts Walton
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    1-001Sinfonie Nr. 1 b-mollKomponist: Walton, William TurnerDirigent / Band Leader: Boult, Adrian Sir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Philharmonic Orchestra
    1-001-0011. Allegro assai00:14:11
    1-002-0022. Scherzo: Presto con malizia00:06:31
    1-003-0033. Andante con malinconia00:09:50
    1-004-0044. Maestoso - Allegro brioso00:13:14
    1-005Belshazzar's FeastKomponist: Walton, William TurnerDirigent / Band Leader: Boult, Adrian Sir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Philharmonic Orchestra
    1-005-001Thus spake Isaiah00:05:26
    1-006-002If I forget thee O Jerusalem00:02:13
    1-007-003By the waters of Babylon00:03:14
    1-008-004Babylon was a great city00:03:57
    1-009-005Praise ye00:05:00
    1-010-006Thus in Babylon00:02:50
    1-011-007And in that same hour00:01:52
    1-012-008Then sing aloud to God00:04:35
    1-013-009The trumpeters and pipers00:01:19
    1-014-010Then sing aloud to God00:04:05

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