DMV 116

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant

von Barry, Gerald | Markson, Gerhard / RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra
erschienen am 14.12.2018

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
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    1-001The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (Oper in 5 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Barry, JohnSolo: Plazas, Mary; O'Brien, Sylvia; Marshall, Stephanie
    1-001-001Vorspiel (1. Akt)00:01:27
    1-002-002Marlene! Can you not be more sensitive!00:03:56
    1-006-006There was something frigid in the air sometimes00:01:59
    1-007-007I'm sorry.00:02:17
    1-008-008Oh, Sidonie!00:02:11
    1-010-010Then bit by bit00:02:14
    1-011-011You poor, dear thing.00:02:04
    1-013-013Vorspiel (2. Akt)00:01:34
    1-014-014Marlene! The doorbell00:03:25
    1-015-015Things aren't so very simple.00:03:10
    1-016-016You know what's nice about this profession?00:02:44
    1-017-017You certainly are very intelligent.00:01:17
    1-018-018Gym was cool.00:03:35
    1-019-019My father and mother are dead.00:03:01
    1-020-020Things are going to be completely different now, Karin.00:01:20
    1-021-021Do you like this kind of music?00:03:43
    1-022-022I love you. I love you, Karin00:01:30
    2-001-023Vorspiel (3. Akt)00:01:22
    2-002-024Have you cancelled the reservations?00:01:37
    2-003-025Thank you. Is it final then?00:01:26
    2-004-026I love you.00:01:11
    2-005-027By the way, where were you last night?00:01:26
    2-006-028How was the man?00:02:21
    2-007-029My heart is aching.00:03:58
    2-008-030Look at this.00:01:47
    2-010-032I would have thought of the whole thing much differently00:01:29
    2-011-033Give me some cash.00:02:37
    2-012-034Vorspiel (4. Akt)00:00:34
    2-014-036Mama! A very happy birthday to you.00:04:57
    2-015-037Let me get it.00:02:55
    2-016-038Have you heard from Karin?00:01:18
    2-017-039You must excuse me Petra. It took me forever to get a taxi.00:01:38
    2-018-040Each and every one of you makes me want to puke.00:05:23
    2-019-041I want to die, Mama.00:02:17
    2-020-042Gabi's asleep now (5. Akt)00:00:51
    2-021-043You came into this world.00:01:27
    2-022-044We all need God.00:01:49
    2-023-045Be kind to Gabi.00:01:20
    2-025-047I need to atone, Marlene.00:01:59

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