Endless Wave Vol.1

von Roth, Gabrielle
erschienen am 25.04.2005

Endless Wave Vol.1
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19,99 €
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    1-001The Wave I: Eternal DanceRoth, Gabrielle00:08:04
    1-001-001Eternal danceRoth, Gabrielle00:08:04
    1-002The wave I: DolphinRoth, Gabrielle00:05:45
    1-002-002DolphinRoth, Gabrielle00:05:45
    1-003The wave I: BushbeatRoth, Gabrielle00:03:45
    1-003-003BushbeatRoth, Gabrielle00:03:45
    1-004The wave I: SnakeRoth, Gabrielle00:03:43
    1-004-004SnakeRoth, Gabrielle00:03:43
    1-005The Wave I: GhostdancerRoth, Gabrielle00:02:57
    1-005-005GhostdancerRoth, Gabrielle00:02:57
    1-006The Wave I: Stone CircleRoth, Gabrielle00:07:13
    1-006-006Stone circleRoth, Gabrielle00:07:13
    1-007The Wave II: Sanga Of The ValleyRoth, Gabrielle00:04:54
    1-007-001Sanga of the valleyRoth, Gabrielle00:04:54
    1-008The Wave II: Rocky BryantRoth, Gabrielle00:04:26
    1-008-002Rocky bryantRoth, Gabrielle00:04:26
    1-009The Wave II: FlowingRoth, Gabrielle00:03:53
    1-009-003FlowingRoth, Gabrielle00:03:53
    1-010The Wave II: ChaosRoth, Gabrielle00:03:58
    1-010-004ChaosRoth, Gabrielle00:03:58
    1-011The Wave II: StillnessRoth, Gabrielle00:04:55
    1-011-005StillnessRoth, Gabrielle00:04:55
    1-012The Wave II: The Way Of Passion (Poem)Roth, Gabrielle00:06:24
    1-012-006The way of passion (Poem)Roth, Gabrielle00:06:24

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