ODE 749

Grand Hotel (TV - Oper In 1 Aufzug)

von Kortekangas, Olli | Saarinen / Ferchen / Pohjola / Avan.
erschienen am 01.01.1996

Grand Hotel (TV - Oper In 1 Aufzug)
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    1-001Grand Hotel (Oper in 1 Akt) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Kortekangas, OlliDirigent / Band Leader: Pohjola, Olli; Söderström, Eric-Olaf q
    Mezzosopran: Saarinen, Eeva-Liisa
    1-001-001In the sky the autumn's ochre (1. Akt, 1. Szene)00:04:28
    1-002-002The late guests are coming (2. Szene)00:02:28
    1-003-003This is the hotel register (3. Szene)00:03:31
    1-004-004The wine is good (4. Szene)00:03:17
    1-005-005We are passers-by (5. Szene)00:04:52
    1-006-006The roads of youth (6. Szene)00:02:02
    1-007-007I wnet into the world (7. Szene)00:03:37
    1-008-008The party goes on (8. Szene)00:02:13
    1-009-009Silky flames (9. Szene)00:02:03
    1-010-010We are going to the tournament (10. Szene)00:05:08
    1-011-011The girl goes out (11. Szene)00:03:44
    1-012Memoria (1989)Komponist: Kortekangas, OlliDirigent / Band Leader: Pohjola, Erkki
    Percussion: Ferchen, Timothy

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