CDS 44031

Sämtliche Oden & Welcome Songs

von Purcell, Henry | King / King's Consort / +
erschienen am 01.11.1992

Sämtliche Oden & Welcome Songs
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    1-001Birthday Ode for Queen Mary Z 320 (Arise, my Muse)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    1-002-002Arise, my muse, and to thy tuneful lyre00:01:56
    1-003-003Ye sons of music raise your voices high00:01:00
    1-004-004Then soun your instruments and charm the earth00:01:40
    1-005-005See how the glitt'ring ruler of the day00:02:59
    1-006-006Hail, gracious Gloriana, hail00:03:01
    1-007-007And since the time's distres to wars'alarms00:01:23
    1-008-008To quell his country's foes00:01:23
    1-009-009but ah, I see Eusebia drown'd in tears00:02:37
    1-010-010But Glory cries 'go on00:03:22
    1-011Ode for St. Cecilia's Day Z 339 (Welcome to all the Pleasures)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    1-012-002Welcome to all the pleasures that delight00:02:06
    1-013-003Here the Deities approve00:04:35
    1-014-004While joys celestial their bright souls invade00:01:29
    1-015-005The lift up your voices, those organs of nature00:01:57
    1-016-006Beatuy, thou scene of love00:02:28
    1-017-007In a consort of voices while instruments play00:01:23
    1-018Birthday Ode for Queen Mary Z 332 (Now does the glorious Day appear)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    1-019-002Now does the glorious Day appear00:01:21
    1-020-003Not any one such joy could bring00:01:24
    1-021-004This does our fertile isle with glory crown00:02:29
    1-022-005Now does the glorious Day appear00:01:21
    1-023-006It was a work of full as great a weight00:01:56
    1-024-007By beateous softness mixed with meajesty00:03:55
    1-025-008Her hero too, whose conduct and whose arms00:01:32
    1-026-009Our dear religion, with ouf law's defence00:01:48
    1-027-010No more shall we the great Eliza boast00:02:31
    1-028-011Now, now, with one united voice00:01:41
    2-001Ode for St. Cecilia's Day Z 328 (Hail bright Cecilia)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    2-002-002Hail! Bright Cecilia00:04:10
    2-003-003Hark, each tree00:04:14
    2-004-004Tis Nature's Voice00:04:03
    2-005-005Soul of the world00:02:44
    2-006-006Thou tun'st this world00:03:13
    2-007-007With that sublime celestial lay00:03:11
    2-008-008Wond'rous machine00:02:45
    2-009-009The airy violin00:01:28
    2-010-010In vain the am'rous flute00:05:56
    2-011-011The fife and all the harmony of war00:03:08
    2-012-012Let these among all the harmony of war00:03:25
    2-013-013Hail! Bright Cecilia00:04:22
    2-014Birthday Ode for the Duke of Gloucester (Who can from Joy refrain?)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    2-015-002Who can from joy refrain00:05:12
    2-016-003A Prince of glorious race00:03:34
    2-017-004The father brave00:01:29
    2-018-005The graces in his mother shine00:02:00
    2-019-006Sound the Trumpet00:02:29
    2-020-007Chacone - If now he burns with noble flame - The Thames shall be Queen of Tyber00:05:31
    3-001Welcome Song for Charles II. Z 324 (Fly bold Rebellion)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    3-002-002Fly, bold rebellion, make haste and be gone00:02:27
    3-003-003Rivers from their channels turned00:03:14
    3-004-004If then we've found the want of his rays00:03:16
    3-005-005But heaven has now dispelled those fears00:01:21
    3-006-006Come then, change your notes00:01:40
    3-007-007Be welcome then, great Sir00:03:33
    3-008-008Welcome to all those wishes fulfilled00:01:56
    3-009Welcome Song for James II. Z 335 (Sound the Trumpet, beat the Drum)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    3-010-002Sound the trumpet, beat the drum00:01:57
    3-011-003Crown the year and crown the day00:03:30
    3-012-004Let Caesar and Urania live00:02:56
    3-013-005What greater bliss can Fate bestow00:02:48
    3-015-007While Caesar like the morning star00:02:22
    3-016-008To Urania and Caesar delights without measure00:03:24
    3-017Birthday Ode for Queen Mary Z 321 (Celebrate this Festival)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    3-018-002Celebrate this festival00:01:31
    3-019-003Britain now thy ares beguile00:02:35
    3-020-004Tis sacred, bid the trumpet cease00:00:47
    3-021-005Let sullen Discord smile00:02:39
    3-022-006Crown the altar, deck the shrine00:03:04
    3-023-007Expectet Spring at last is come00:01:48
    3-024-008April, who till now has mourned00:02:53
    3-025-009Departing thus you'll hear him say00:01:19
    3-026-010Happy realm beyound expressing00:03:24
    3-027-011While, for a righteous cause he arms00:04:49
    3-028-012Return, fond Muse, the thoughts of war00:03:28
    3-029-013Kindly treat Maria's day00:02:48
    4-001Welcome Song for James II. Z 344 (Ye tuneful Muses)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    4-002-002Ye tuenfuls muses, raise your heads00:02:55
    4-003-003Be lively then and gay00:02:22
    4-004-004In his just praise your noblest songs let fall00:02:34
    4-005-005From the rattling of drums00:03:16
    4-006-006To music's softer but yet kind00:01:55
    4-007-007With him he brings the partner of his throne00:04:31
    4-008-008Happy in a mutual love00:01:22
    4-009-009Whilst in music and verse our duty we show00:01:53
    4-010Ode for a Performance at Mr. Maidwell's School Z 322 (Celestial Music did the Gods inspire)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    4-011-002Celestical music did the gods inspire00:02:09
    4-012-003Her charming strains expel tormenting care00:03:04
    4-013-004Thus Virgil's Genius lov'd the country best00:02:13
    4-014-005Whilst music did improve Amphion's song00:02:11
    4-015-006When Orpheus sang all Nature did rejoice00:02:05
    4-016-007Let Phyllis by her voice but charm the air00:02:33
    4-017Ode for the Wedding of Prince George of Denmark and Princess Anne Z 325 (From hardy climes...)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    4-018-002From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war00:03:12
    4-019-003As fame, great Sir, before you ran00:02:37
    4-020-004Wake then, my Muse, wakte Instruments and Voice00:01:57
    4-021-005The sparrow and the gentle dove00:04:44
    4-022-006So all the boons indulgent heav'n desin'd00:01:23
    4-023-007Hence without sheme or figure to descry00:01:22
    5-001Birthday Ode for Queen Mary Z 338 (Welcome, welcome, glorious Morn)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Tubb, Evelyn
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    5-002-002Welcome, welcome, glorious morn00:01:36
    5-003-003At thy return the joyful earth00:04:01
    5-004-004Welcome as when three hayyp Kindgoms strove00:02:38
    5-005-005The mighty goddess of this walthy isle00:01:32
    5-006-006Full of wonder and delight00:01:53
    5-007-007And lo! A sacred fury swell'd her breast00:03:16
    5-008-008My prey'rs are heard00:03:55
    5-009-009He to the filed by honour call'd shall go00:01:43
    5-010-010Wihilst undisturg'd this happy consort reigns00:01:46
    5-011-011Sound, all ye Spheres00:02:28
    5-012Great Parent, hail to Thee Z 327 (Jubiläums-Ode für das Trinity College Dublin)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Tubb, Evelyn
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    5-013-002Great parent, hail!00:02:15
    5-014-003Another century commening00:02:22
    5-015-004After war's, alarms repeated00:03:15
    5-016-005Awful matron take thy seat00:03:24
    5-017-006She was the first who did inspire00:01:57
    5-018-007Succeeding Princes next recite00:01:49
    5-019-008But chiefly recommend to fame00:01:31
    5-020-009Thy Royal Patron sung: Repair00:03:54
    5-021-010With themes like these, ye Sons of Art00:01:35
    5-022Welcome Song for King Charles II. Z 337 (The Summer's Absence unconcerned we bear)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Tubb, Evelyn
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    5-023-002The summer's absence unconcerned we beat00:03:23
    5-024-003And whn late from your throne heaven's call you attend00:02:16
    5-025-004Ah! Had we, Sir, the power of art00:02:30
    5-026-005Happy while all her neighbours bled00:01:32
    5-027-006So happily still you your counsels employ00:01:12
    5-028-007These had by thier ill usage drove00:02:29
    5-029-008But these no more shall dare repine00:02:18
    6-001Birthday Ode for Queen Mary Z 331 (Love's Goddess sure was blind)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Seers, Mary
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    6-002-002Love's goddess sure was blind this day00:03:04
    6-003-003Those eyes, that form, that lofty mien00:01:28
    6-004-004Sweetness of Nature00:02:46
    6-005-005Long may she reign over this isle00:02:09
    6-006-006May her blest example chase00:01:34
    6-007-007Many such days may she behold00:03:33
    6-008-008May she to heaven late return00:03:26
    6-009Ode for St. Cecilia's Day Z 334 (Raise, raise the voice)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Seers, Mary
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    6-010-002Raise, raise the voice00:02:46
    6-011-003The God himself says he'll be present here00:02:24
    6-012-004Mark how readily each pliant string00:04:27
    6-013Ode for St. Cecilia's Day Z 329 (Laudate Ceciliam)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Seers, Mary
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    6-013-001Symphony - Laudate Celiam, in voce et organo00:02:28
    6-014-002Modulemini psalmum novum00:02:37
    6-016-004Dicite Virgini, canite Martyri00:03:38
    6-017Welcome Song for Charles II. Z 326 (From those serene and rapturous Joys)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Seers, Mary
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    6-018-002From those serene and rapturous joys00:03:23
    6-019-003Behold th'indulgent Prince is come00:02:10
    6-020-004Not with an helmet or a glitt'ring spear00:02:43
    6-021-005Welcome as soft refreshing show'rs00:02:36
    6-022-006Welcome, more welcome does he come00:04:33
    6-023-007Nor does the sun more comfort bring00:01:11
    6-024-008With trumpets and shouts we receive the word'd wonder00:02:56
    7-001The Yorkshire Feast Song Z 333 (Of old, when Heroes thought it base)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Hamilton, Susan
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    7-002-002Of old, when heroes thought ist base00:04:03
    7-003-003The bashful Thames, for beauty so renown'd00:04:31
    7-004-004The pale and the purple rose00:04:18
    7-005-005And in each track of glory since00:03:56
    7-007-007And now when the renown'd Nassau00:01:58
    7-008-008Thy did no storms00:02:05
    7-009-009So when the glitt'ring queen of night00:04:43
    7-010-010Let music join00:01:26
    7-011-011Sound trumpets, sound!00:02:34
    7-012-012Sound all to him00:02:00
    7-013Welcome Song for Charles II. Z 336 (Swifter, Isis, swifter flow)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Hamilton, Susan
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    7-013-001Symphony - Swifter, Isis, swifter flow00:04:57
    7-014-002Land him safely on her shore00:01:09
    7-015-003Hark, hark! Just now my listening ears00:01:56
    7-016-004Welcome dread Sir, to town00:01:15
    7-017-005But with so great devotion meet00:02:06
    7-018-006The King whose presence like the spring00:01:28
    7-019-007Then since, Sir, from you all our blessings do flow00:02:13
    7-020Welcome Song for the Duke of York Z 341 (What, what shall be done in behalf of the Man?)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Fisher, Gillian; Hamilton, Susan
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    7-021-002What shall be done in behalf of the man00:02:42
    7-022-003All the grandeur he possesses00:02:47
    7-023-004Mighty Charles, though joined with thee00:03:35
    7-024-005May all factious troubles cease00:02:44
    8-001Birthday Ode for Queen Mary Z 323 (Come ye Sons of Art)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    8-002-002Come ye Sons of Art00:01:58
    8-003-003Sound the trumpet, 'til around00:03:52
    8-004-004Strike the viol, touch the lute00:05:11
    8-005-005The day that such a blessing gave00:03:00
    8-006-006Bid the virtues, bid the graces00:03:21
    8-007-007These are the sacred charms that shield00:01:46
    8-008-008See Nature, rejoicing, has shown us the way00:03:01
    8-009Welcome Song for Charles II. Z 340 (Welcome, Viceregent of the mighty King)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    8-009-001Symphony - Welcome, viceregent of the mighty King00:03:11
    8-010-002Ah! Mighty Sir, if you to such long absence are inclinced00:01:24
    8-011-003But your blest presence now00:02:10
    8-012-004Your influous approach our pensive hope recalls00:01:25
    8-013-005When the summer, in his glory00:01:17
    8-014-006All loyalty and honour be00:00:59
    8-015-007Music the Food of Love00:03:43
    8-016Welcome Song for King James Z 343 (Why, why are all the Muses mute)Komponist: Purcell, HenrySopran: Bonner, Tessa; Fisher, Gillian
    Dirigent / Band Leader: King, Robert
    8-016-001Why, why are all the Muses mute00:04:39
    8-017-002When should each soul exalted be00:02:30
    8-018-003Britain, thou now art great00:03:39
    8-019-004Look up, and to our Isle returning see00:02:12
    8-020-005Accurs'd rebellion reared his head00:03:05
    8-021-006Caesar for milder virtues honour'd more00:02:41
    8-022-007The many-headed beast is quelled at home00:02:13
    8-023-008In the equal balance laid00:01:22
    8-024-009O how blest is the Isle to which Caesar is given00:05:20

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