CT 9013

Swinging The Blues

von Basie, Count
erschienen am 10.03.2004

Swinging The Blues
Zum Preis von
14,99 €
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    1-001Swinging The BluesBasie, Count
    1-002Every TubBasie, Count
    1-003Good Morning BluesBasie, Count
    1-004Pennies From HeavenBasie, Count
    1-005Exactly Like YouBasie, Count
    1-006Dark RaptureBasie, Count
    1-007Cherokee [Part 1 & 2]Basie, Count
    1-008Jumpin' At The WoodsideBasie, Count
    1-009Jimmy's Boogie WoogieBasie, Count
    1-010Moten SwingBasie, Count
    1-011One O'clock JumpBasie, Count
    1-012Sent For You Yesterday (And Here You Come Today)Basie, Count
    1-013London Bridge Is Falling DownBasie, Count
    1-014Sing For Your SupperBasie, Count
    1-015Doggin' AroundBasie, Count
    1-016Boo-hooBasie, Count
    1-017Dickie's DreamBasie, Count
    1-018Lester Leaps InBasie, Count
    1-019Zeitzeugen-GesprächBasie, Count

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